Oh Mans the Pictures...

Started by Cody, Mar 04, 2010, 10:21 PM

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It has just occurred to me that I am seriously lacking in the picture takingness. I looked on my little pocket camera and there are still pictures on there from when I went to the beach for Christmas. I'm guessing part of the problem is that I have done pretty much nothing worth taking pictures of in the last two and a half months. As you can imagine, this is really hurting my overall picture count. Excluding the pictures on my cameras, I am only at 21,529 pictures. How pathetic I know. I best get to work, eh?
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Yes you should! Perhaps I can help create some picture worthy events.

Also, does the picture upload thing work for you know?


I have a bunch if pictures on my camera because Eve and I went to Washington last weekend. I need to dump those, fo sho'.

If we hike tomorrow, that would be pictureworthy.


It would be. And we should.

HIKE HIKE! The weather should actually be nice. No more walking with poncho!~


Yeah, give me a call tomorrow morning. Eve and I are thinking of looking for apartments a few minutes south. That's the only thing that might prevent hike, hike.


Ok, this thread is kinda dead, but I saw Nick's post above and could resist the urge to call him "¡Poncho Tílde!" I think we could make a cartoon character out of that.

But, on topic (sorta), I left my big camera bag at my mom's house a week ago and still haven't gotten it. My cards are (very slowly) filling up with pictures, but it's just not right to dump when your kin is abroad.


Do you take unified dumps? Lately I have found myself using windows search of all things to make little piles. Search for each month and make it its own folder.  I tried looking into picasa, but it seems incapable of doing that without help.
How do you organise yours? Month, event or just by dump? And do you seperate by camera?


No, I never separate them by camera type. I guess my reasoning is that, when scrolling through them, I like to see them chronologically but I haven't given that much thought in years. I dump them all in a folder labeled something like "<date to date> <dumb title>." But we all know that it's what's on the inside that counts. IrfanView's batch renamer works well to mingle them, once you convince it to sort by date tag instead of filename of modified date.

I haven't been browsing through my pictures too much lately. When I do, I'll give Picasa a shot. I only have like 10,000 more faces to tag (and then all of the ones that it missed).  :-\ I do want to make a collection of "print worthy" pictures. I suppose the rating system would work well for that, but I've always shied away from them.


Good to know.
For printable pictures we just need some way to add a tag or exif field. But I am sure we have discussed this before. :)