Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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Ok, cool. Perhaps I can start playing with this in the evenings. Time to sevenize!


I'm going to try to work on the image module again. It currently creates an image content type with a few tag fields. It also defines the input filter to allow embedding an image in posts. That stuff needs a little cleaning. Once I'm done there, I'll work on display pages for tags and collections.


Somewhere there is a list if all the things I was thinking we need to do for the sevenization. Nick recently mentioned it in the "Forums is the Deads" thread so yeah...

The biggest thing I've been waiting on is the Date API. I looked it up, and while there is no official release yet, it is under active development (this one was released tomorrow!) Other than that, I'm kind of waiting to see what kind of gallery projects people are coming up with...surely someone smarter than I has already put more work into one much better than I have and come to better results (the internet serves up a mean slice of humble pie). Should we perhaps make a separate image sever (subdomain)?

Also, we will need to look into data migration...not that we have a whole lot, but yeah.


Are you talking about a whole separate imaging system? Like make out own API and create a replacement for flickr? 

I think we started that once :) It sounds like an interesting project, even if its kinda futile given all the other gallery systems out there. But it would be worth starting (what ever happened to brads game and the client we were going to make?) I kinda feel that building everything into drupal is kinda like having a Swiss army knife. Yeah it has a spoon, but an actual spoon is so much nicer. Or like me trying to use my phone as a camera/podcast&music/phone/web browser/email/day planner/messenger. It will do all that. But it is in no way a replacement for my pocket camera, an iPod (or other dedicated music squawker) or a decent browsing interface. But it makes phone calls rather well and keeps my contacts organized. I wont even go into its messaging...  >:(

What exactly were you thinking?


Curiosity seems to have struck at an opportune time, for once. Because it seems that D7 versions of Views, Date API, and Calendar have been updated very recently. I installed a bunch of modules (using my Swiss army knifephone, no less). You might want to check out this or some of the other admin pages, if you get a chance. I think Drupal 7 is finally at the stage where enough modules have been ported over to make it (nearly) as useful as 6. Yay!

As for the image thing, I am only worried about losing all of our links again. It'd be nice to not have to re-upload and tag 3000+ images. But I'm not sure if we can do that  :-\ I was eluding to the idea of an img.randomland.net virtual host, or something along those lines...


That's cool, about the D7 maturity and all that.

What would be hosted on the img.randomland.net?


We probably shouldn't do that, I suppose. Because would guarantee every image has a bad link...but yeah.


But in the future it would guarantee that links would still be the same after a site upgrade.  I am sure there will be some way to migrate everything over from the old site to the new one. Even if we have to write a script to move all the images over.


Yeah, which I guess is what I was thinking. Not breaking everything for a 5th or 6th time does have a certain, strange appeal though. I dunno.

The Tempo stories are still missing their images  :'(

Edit: update the first post with some to-do and to-discuss items.


Ok, not that anyone is real interested, but I came across a Drupal 7 module which seems to be essentially what I was attempting to create. There is a companion gallery module which looks to be decent as well. I saw mention of Flickr something-or-others too....and it is in active development! I think I'll try them out tonight, or some time very soon.



Sounds useful. I would be interested to see it in action and play with it a little. See if we can get it all searchable like we seem to like.


Well, I tried it out yesterday, but I seem to have gotten an unstable version of one of the dependent modules. I want to try the new Drupal beta anyway, so I'll nuke the test installation some time soon and start over. Just FYI...


NUKE IT! It's the only way to be sure.

