Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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Yeah, that would be my fault, I'm sure. The test site now has Drupal 7 RC1 (and nothing else). What features do we want on the site? I can't remember if I made an official list or not...


A new relase of Drupal 7's release candidate is out. RC3. I think I'll update it tonight. And maybe slap together a list of modules we want.


Yay! Go for it. And then send me a link please!


I updated test.randomland.net last night. The only user, as of now, is admin. It's just a blank installation at the moment.

I will be looking around for what modules we should install. If you have suggestions, please post them!


Last night, I added a few modules to the test site. I have a bunch more I want to test out, especially gallery-related stuff. I've added the Calendar module, because I always liked that thing.

Also, I enabled the Drupal forum module. Personally, I'm liking its layout. Check it out, if you wish. Make some boards, posts, replies, etc. I'm not crazy about the theme, but we ought to change that anyway. If anyone else likes it enough, I will look into importing the SMF database -- it can be done! My idea here is to de-segregate the forums.

Good news: Drupal 7 is officially released today.


test is running the release version of Drupal 7 as of last night. I installed a few modules just to see how well they'd work.

I made a google doc listing what's installed and comments/notes. Let me know if you can't access it.



So apparently the Media and Media Gallery projects have had some recent updates. It might be worth looking at, though transferring everything over will be fairly painful.


I like the pain! Bring it on! Come-hither, frustration! I beckon to thee!

If they are good modules, it might be worth it. If not then we can stick with our own.

I guess we can write a script to handle the moving of the data. Or at least to create new nodes with the old data  using the new modules. Its possible to do that, right? Make a script that makes nodes?


Yes, we can make scripts to create nodes, but that won't do us any good. That module doesn't store them as nodes; it stores them as "entities" which are somehow different. I'm sure it could be done, but we would have to at least understand the architecture first (which isn't bad, just tougher).

Assuming we move that way, is there any desire to keep the shorthand rlimg syntax? I originally did that so there'd be a "buffer" between filepaths and stored content. We can drop it or adapt it. My efforts on the module were as much an exercise in learning Drupal as they were an attempt to provide useful enhancements. I won't cry (too much) if we move away from it.


So, I downloaded the most recent version of the Media Gallery project but it is still dependent on modules which have no 7.x version posted. Last time I think I found the dev-7.x version after digging around the CVS repo or something. So, you can try and enable what's there if you can find the dependencies...

I lost steam on my image project because I don't know the right approach for making a custom search page (especially one which heavily favors taxonomy terms. It'll take some time (and motivation) to figure that out. If you have any ideas, let me know. What's there, however, works as intended.


We could use some sort of modified taxonomy searching tool like before, or we could make a more specialized page that shows lists of galleries (in a grid or list) AND had a search box someplace. 


What did we use before? I tried doing it with the new Views UI, but just got confused when I started adding taxonomy-term parameters. I suppose we could make a page that runs straight queries, but there is surely a better way. It probably involves the Search API. Maybe I'll dig through that Custom Search module and see what I can glean. Ugh. Surely there's a simpler way though...


I think all it was before was a views thing that had a search box tied to the correct taxonomy... but now I feel the need to check.


That's what I thought it was too. I installed Views on one of my dev copies (not test.randomland.net, I don't think). It was almost working...and is probably the bbest approach (for a backend at the very least). I do, however dislike its URLs...and so does SMF