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Started by Brad, Jan 28, 2012, 03:22 PM

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So I've stumbled upon this fighting game engine called MUGEN. It's been around for awhile actually, but I've just discovered it.

What it does is allows you to (or other random internet people) to create customizable fighting games of about 90s arcade era quality.

What I plan to use it for is to do a couple of setups with a bunch of different characters from different games that can play against each other. Also to create one with really crazy/absurd characters.

There are quite a few packs with like 700+ characters... but they all seem to be about 100 good characters and 600 really crappy ones. Also they have the problem of having no conistency in art style, character style, character size or anything even remotely approaching game balance.

I have found a couple of good ones other people have made with consistent art styles and some resemblance of balance. But I'm also going to try and create a couple of my own using characters and stages I can find on the internet.

So far the roster for my random/crazy fighting games is:
Stinkoman (Homestar Runner)
Bender (Futurama)
Ronald McDonald (Japanese version)
Optimus Prime
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Homer (The Simpsons)
Elastigirl (The Incredibles)

There are some other really awesome ones out there but they seem to be buried in a sea of crap (of course).


I've added a bunch of new random characters I've found to increase the roster size. Including:
Colonel Sanders
Lara Croft
Arthur (Ghosts N Goblins)
Ella (based on Sadako from the Ring)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Mickey Mouse
Rapheal (Ninja Turtles)

Nick, were you serious about me bringing this over on Saturday for you to try? If so, do you want me to bring my laptop or just a USB stick (you don't need to install to play)?


Can't believe I haven't replied to this yet...I thought I did. Personally I think this looks rather awesome and would want to try it!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Can I fight Uruk-hai? That would be awesome!


Only against Aragorn.