The Everlasting Picture Categorizing Project

Started by zourtney, Sep 05, 2008, 11:05 AM

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I think calling the back-end of that certain project "designed" is giving it too much credit.



That wasn't what I was thinking of but maybe I'm not thinking of the same thing as Courtney...


Oh, I bet you are.

Maybe I'll try to do a more comprehensive ui demo in Flex next week in my "free time." Make requests suggestions if you think of something we haven't mentioned.


Alright, I've got a few hours of boredom coming my way this evening. I'm going to try and make the flex demo a little more comprehensive. Maybe I'll make a little tag-cloud component for demo purposes. Do we have any opinion on the customizable fields I was trying to throw on the right side of the bottom bar [which needs a name!]?


Ok, fine.

No input = No input != Gnome input.

Now that I have been sufficiently distracted by my guitar and stuff, I will distract myself with Flex and stuff.



Speaking of guitars I am thinking of taking a class to learn how the beginning of next year if your interested in joining me. Its $160 I think starts at 6pm once a week.

Sorry I haven't been much input. I am looking forward to seeing what you produce though.


I got a little bit done on this last night, but couldn't get Flex to properly compile it from Linux. I want to work on it more, so I guess it'll have to wait a day or two.


Eve went to sleep hours ago (has to be at work at 5am) so I was working on that little Flex demo program. I'm not anywhere near done with it. Play with what's there, it'll take you about 20 seconds to see everything, if that.

Check it out here:

Try Ctrl+Clicking to select multiple images. On the left, you'll see the tag cloud displays duplicate tags in increasingly gigantic font sizes. On the right is the hard coded EXIF data. Right now it's not combining fields when you select multiple images -- I'll do that tomorrow. I want to make that control about 1,000,000 times better by letting the user select which fields they wish to see...someone tell me this is a dumb idea, or else I'll end up doing it.

The sorting does not work yet. I'll work on that tomorrow.

Double-clicking or hitting the "more info" button brings up a new window with the same boring information in it, but in a larger screen. I'd like this to feel more like a good version of the File Properties dialog in Windows Explorer. But, all in good time. This whole thing is still pretty rough; I'm just trying to hash out some use-cases in a slightly more interesting way than sitting in front of a word processor for 10 hours.

The search bar does work, but probably not in the way you'd expect because I'm too lazy and it's unimportant right now. It's just matching any whole word to a tag name. If you type "nick" and "thermometer" you'll return one picture of Nick and one picture of a thermometer. In the final thing, we're going to have to clarify some conjunctive operations better. But certainly it should be running an "AND" search and not an "OR" search by default.

Bed time.



Updated a little more: SWF

I added a dialog which lets you view all tags. It should probably ignore or separate the EXIF tags, but it does not currently. There are non-functional buttons for deleting, splitting, and merging existing tags.

The sort-by feature works now. Only date-sorting is implemented.

I added a set of toggle buttons which select which view mode you are using -- I just made them up, including

  • View all
  • View sets
  • View images
  • View favorites
There is a bug in there where it'll throw an error if you try sorting on any view-mode except the "images only" view.

I still haven't gotten around to making the part where you add/remove tags from images. For adding tags, I was thinking maybe you just click on some whitespace and start typing. It could have a little textbox which pops up along the bottom of component. If it doesn't already exist in the system, it'll be added automatically. If it does, it'll tie it to the existing one.

As for deleting, I was thinking that when you hover over a tag, it could put a box around it with a little "x" in the corner for deleting. Something like this, only better looking:

This is the best idea I can think of for disassociating tags. Making you edit it through another popup window would only slow things down.

Adding and removing stuff from sets is a whole 'nother issue. But I'll wait to see if I get any input on this...


Perhaps a text box below the tag box that lets you add tags one at a time or comma/space separated.  With, of course, an add tag button next to it. Just as a clear place for adding tags without mungling up whats already been input.


that sounds good. I'll work try to make a usable demo model in Flex soonish.


I need some motivation on this project (again). Anyone know where to score a cattle-prod?


Who usually scores things like that? I have access to a shock collar.. but that's not quite the same. Just take some pictures and get frustrated by the lack of categorization. Saturday sound like a good picture taking day.