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Design and Layout Suggestions

Started by zourtney, May 19, 2008, 07:48 PM

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Nick wrote:
QuoteYou should look at the motors, rec, and opinion sub sections. Each one is created in a different manner. See if you like those styles better/worse. I don't know if I like having a perminent block of unchanging text at the top of a section. Its only usefull the first time you visit the page. After that its only in the way. What do you think?

If you didn't notice, I renamed the "Dev" section to "Tech." It's not the best name, but it's a little broader and more accurate -- we can be all electronic hardware/software stuffs in there. It's pretty empty at the moment...I think I lost a few Flash examples I did on old-randomland.

Anyway, I agree with your assessment -- the way motors is set up is good for a landing page, but that's about it. It's nice to see recent posts, but it provides no navigation -- how am I supposed to know that "Francine" is categorized under the motors section? There is no link other than the sidebar nav. This seems insufficient.

But I can't seem to decide what I'm expecting to see when I navigate around the site...a descriptive "about" page? A list of recent posts? A link to our "top stories?" Something along those lines, but I don't know exactly what.

The panel layout thing is cool, but not very straightforward. I did learn about Drupal's "views" though. Maybe coding the pages manually would provide some more flexibility with less confusion?


I will keep them coming until you find one you like :)
MoonMist Forest #1:



Ok, I appreciate that. But if you had to pick one to either alter and add to the main banner or add as is what one would that be?


Oooo! I also added a member pages menu. For blogs and the like.  And gave yours an alias of "zourtney."


There is something about that last picture which seems to fit better than the others. I don't know if ts the coloring or what. The white speckles don't quite fit, as they are though.

My $0.02


Those white specks were my sad attempt at stars. I guess I could reign them back a little.


I like the moon/big giant ball of light behind the tree idea. I like the stars, but they look a little too "mspaint" as they are


Note taken. I like the moon too. I will try and fix the stars.


Ok, quick read on a star making tutorial and I redid it. So thy this on the other foot.

Moon Mist Forest #2:

Moon Mist Forest W/o Stars:


I like the second one better. I do see starage in it, too. Though not nearly as much, of course. I'd like to see what ever banner gets put up there to be aligned mostly to the right -- the current layout seems a bit left-heavy, in my opinion. 

Ok, I'm tired of being so critical. Too much whining from me.


One last one for the night.

Odd Sun Rise #1:


Rollin' along with the obnoxious site-desgign opinionation I promised I would drop....

Header image is a go! I like it.
Can we get the plaintext "randomland" words replaced with an image? I like the one the forums has. The blue-green contrast might be ugly on there though. I don't pretend to know those things. I will pretend to know that the new banner makes the RL seal look a little too green. Maybe a color-contrast (like a yellow glow from behind) would eliminate that.

But, as always, I'm only being critical because you asked and it's changable :) Leave it as-is and I'd be just as happy, as soon as I stop actively pondering it!


Disregard what I said about changing the rl seal. I'm dumb. I'm starting to think browns might be good throughout the theme. Again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Edit: they're already there, stupid stupid-me. I think I would like it if the main site's nav used the same button size and style as the forums. In green or brown maybe.

Annyoing comment: I've inexplicably become a fan of orange hues I've the past year. Not saying we should use it; just positing pointless personal information on the internets. (Isn't that what they're for?)


As it is the header logo is too big (both too tall and too wide) and it squishes the menu if the page is too narrow as it is. And keep the comments coming. If left to my own devices I might make things that only I think look ok. And feel free to submit your own ideas. And I agree about the colors not matching up. I ran out of time to fit it yesterday (had to go can peaches and get a tank ready for my grandmas new turtle friends. Oh, on a side note; The root directory is indeed .../www/randomlnd/ for the site. I think the gallery required some other directory stuff of its own. And the forums are a sub-directory of the main site.

ok bye.