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Design and Layout Suggestions

Started by zourtney, May 19, 2008, 07:48 PM

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The sidebars seems less intrusive now on the mobe'. In fact, I didn't notice until read that reply. That's a good thing.

I also have nothing to add to randomland tonight....

So, is the unfiltered HTML option now a complex variation of filtered HTML? I have had bad luck with the wysiwyg editor (removing line breaks). If shift+enter is the trick, then cool. However, I tend the add div styling on a whim, so I need to be able to access the raw HTML. What input type should I use? Previously I was using the unfiltered HTML type...

annddd....I tried doing that thing where you remove the index.php from the gallery URL, but I couldn't get it to work.
I changed the last line of config.php from:
$gallery->setConfig('baseUri', '');
$gallery->setConfig('baseUri', '');
define('GALLERY_MAIN_PHP', '');

Changing the first line caused no problems. And supposedly (link) you can just define that PHP const to an empty string and have it work, but I had no luck. I suppose it's not really that big of a deal. Now part of me just wants to prove it can be done.  :P

And a few more links you probably already found, including mostly useless stuff.


Drupal was removing the line breaks, not the editor. Unfiltered HTML has no filtering (no tags get removed) and the only changes that are made is that URLs will automatically become links if they are not already (so will become a link even without you adding the <a> tags)



How did you get that page for easy-links?


I summoned 6:30am Google search results for "why am I awake when I am not going anywhere for an hour." Sorry. I'm annoying.

No, I found a reference to that gallery2 module in some of those links I posted in my last post. It wasn't what I was expecting, though could be slightly useful (since apparently I should be stripping out the GALLERYID=xxxxx and I have not been). The admin interface for downloading and installing plugins is pretty slick.


I know I like it. Easy cheesy.


I changed some settings one the wysiwyg editor. I think it looks nicer now. It also has a pop-up context menu and advanced image placement options. Have fun.




I'm trying to get everything on the site to use a somewhat standard image block div. Right now, it's a CSS class called .image-block. Ultimately, I think it should be:

A bounding box
    with image block
        <image, possibly as a link to gallery>
    some padding
    a caption block

Positioning and size would be up to whoever writes the article. Caption block would be optional. How would we best implement this? PHP code? Call to a global javascript function to generate code? Do it yourself every time?


Something built into the editor that prompts you with the settings and inputs and the slaps it down. I don't know how that would work though. Just set it as a standard I guess. The style selection should show up in the editors drop-down list. So it should be easy to do by hand.


I'm casually getting around to putting the pictures back up (along with extras) and putting some basic formatting back in those old stories. A lot of old stories were done using <br><br> instead of <p> tags. That's a no-no, I know. I can't do much until I'm back home though because I didn't bring my giant picture archive hard drive...

Have I complained lately about the lack of a site search bar? Even a link in the header which takes you to a google search "" would be an improvement. I suppose I could do that myself, eh? Suggestions?


There was once a seach box. I even positioned it in the header when I was working on the theme. I don't know where it went or why. It didn't even leave a note! I will look into it a little more deeply then I did before. See if it cant be dredged up from someplace.


I added a little spacing to anything wrapped in a <p> tag. I kept doing double-breaks after a paragraph, which seemed like a bad solution. So I just added a little margin to the bottom.

Also, I added a little CSS back in to get some old, lost styling working again (see info boxes on this page). I'm not sure on the colors yet, but at least the CSS class exists now.


I like the random picture which shows up in the sidebar when you're viewing the gallery. Can we implement this site-wide? (excluding the forum, of course)