We need to go riding

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 10:58 AM

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Its been far to long since I have gone on a decently lengthy bike ride. It seems a shame as our good-weather window is almost coming to a close. So all those  who would like to take to the streets and gravel roads give me a holler.


That's what I've been thinking every day for the past week. My legs are getting wussy and I want to ride. We should pick a weekend day and go ride soon.


You name the time and I will... ummm.. probably agree to it. Yes. Bicycle. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.


I get the feeling I am excessively lazy. Now that my bikes have a nice holder, I want to put the back on the ground and spin those wheels. Too bad everything is so wet...


Just need to luck out with a sunny weekend. Seeing as it gets dark at 5 evening are not the best time. Slap on some grubby pants and get you ankles a little wet.


Usually my pant legs and bike chain don't play nice together. I am a little overcautious about that and have this unwarranted fear of getting my pant legs sucked into the chain and crashing....Kind of like that useless fear I have of locking my keys in the car with it running....


All real fears... just unlikely. I have had pants ripped by the bike chain but it happened so fast that I didn't crash. You just need to wear high rubber boots, keep you dry and protect your pants.


Well, it could stem from the fact that I once was riding along, letting my shoe rub against the front tire...it made a cool sound! Suddenly, that foot and that bike tire became all too acquainted with each other. With my shoe squarely against the tire, my foot slid up against the front fork and stopped the front tire. But the rest of the bike was still moving! I "endoed" and landed on the pavement. It didn't cause any lasting injuries, but I haven't really tried it since.


Ouch, I can see how that would detour you. It would still be nice to get some good swamp diving in though.


The weather whisperers have cast us fore a day of tolerable unrain the morrow. I think I'll ride my bike around for a little while.


If you care not, I may join you.


I'd be down with that, yo.


Yay, we went biking! We should do that more often. I don't even feel sore!

EDIT: well, ok, I rode to the mailbox and yeah, I'm a bit weaker than yesterday. My legs feel rubbery; it's fun.


Rubber legs are the good kind or hurting. Mine defiantly feel like I need to use them more often. And maybe do some overhauling on my bike. Or use that other frame I have and turn it into a usable ride. Just something that doesn't feel like I am peddling though molasses on flat ground. :)


You could always ask Craig, if you run out of other options :)