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Randomland bugs and errors.

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 11:01 AM

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Dude man,

Why doesn't Brad's blog entry show up in the sidebar on the main site? Drupal (6)'s admin menus drive me nuts. I found the blog admin page, but I thought the links got added automatically.

And the link to Brad's "blog" is Everyone else's leaves out the blogs/ 'cuz that's how we roll. I just don't remember where these options are.

Is it time to sevenize yet?  :-\


The blog menu was created by hand. Fixed it.


Ok, thanks. I guess I was thinking it was auto-generated. But it was that your "blog" is auto-generated (in as much as it doesn't really exist as anything concrete ther than a node, MAYBE a taxonomy term, and some URLs.

Anyway, thanks. Did you just edit the menu in that admin page I linked? For future know, when Randomland hits the big-time :) 


Yup, that's all I did. And brads URL aliases were set up differently then all the rest. I think I like the /blog/name better then what we are using now,  just /name. But one would have to go through all the URL aliases and find all the ones that need changed to fix that. Spleh. And Poot.


I recant all my previous pushes toward category segregation on Randomland. Randomland is a blog. They didn't call 'em that when we started, but that's what it is, by today's standards. When I get a moment of inspiration (if we concur), I think we should:

  • replace category with flat taxonomy terms
  • make sure those terms map to nice URLs (like /motors)
  • toss everything written by an author into his "blog" and tag it with appropriate section tag (motors, rec, etc)
  • standardize URL styles
  • find and fix all them broken linkies

This is the age-old debate, so let me know what you think. One way or the other...and this is (ironically) posted in the wrong thread...


Its a better place for it then general discussion. Though its more likely to get read there.

I concur (con carne)  I think that would be a better system then what we have going now. Not that its that much different from it. Mostly I just want consistency.


I just had lunch con carne. I consistently want consistency (it doesn't really matter though, since Randomland is usually in disarray). Oh yeah, and the images are still broken on the Tempo story :(


The forum had an incorrect time offset set. It is now set to display the system time just as it is. (and the system time is now being updated monthly by a time server)

Sorry, I thought it was correct before.
So if the time seems off for you now, go into your settings and adjust the time offset.


Dovecot seems to have crashed yesterday for some unknown reason. Its back up now.

Mail access has been restored!


Can I get email forwarding, or is that permanently broken? On a related note, I sent something to the webmaster account and have no idea how to check that anymore...(it used to forward to my gmail)


Email forwarding is dead. Qwest and gmail have conspired against the independent mail servers in the world and are refusing to accept outgoing mail from our servers. Short of getting qwest to give me the information to use them as a relay we are stuck.

But what you can do is set Gmail to download your email via pop3. That is what I have been doing anyway.


So, I uploaded a whole bunch of old, old pictures of the Tempo camping trip (tagged tempocamp). There are many more to upload, but it's a start. Eventually I will fix the image references in my old, old Tempo story. Those have been broken for a long time.

If you have any images from back then, feel free to toss 'em up there, too. Tagged tempocamp, of course...which we can certainly rename.


You may have noticed a temporary outage for randomland. Qwest decided we had a virus and was blocking (all?) traffic. I don't know why it stopped, perhaps our IP changed and that was all that was needed. Either way, ddclient is still not doing a good job handling IP address changes quickly. The gateway router (DDwrt) does much better, but it can only do one sub domain.


I did notice, actually. I must be an addict. Thanks for fixing it...again. I don't know what I'd do without my Randomland fix


Have we a 'zilla on the Randomland server? I know we've talked about it before, but I don't remember if we ever did it...