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Started by zourtney, Oct 15, 2009, 10:55 AM

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I think I have several years of your pictures on a hard drive, though nothing recent. I want your pictures! Yes, that applies to anyone reading this. I like being the picture bank.


I'm still pumkinless. Should I be a jerk and wait until after Halloween to get one? And leave it on my porch until February again?


Come to my house. Carve one! Carve three! Take some home! We have more then we need (from the crazy 99c pumpkin place:) )


Courtney, I still have that picture if you want it.


Sounds like a picture worth seeing! But I too still would like a pumpkin though I was thinking it would be more fun if it was here for the November month. Not sure when to get one or where for that matter. I'd ask if they ever get cheaper, but reading the previous posts I think it is going to be hard to beat the $0.99 pumpkins! Granted, I do NOT need ten of them.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Thread dredging!

Anyone want to get and/or carve pumpkins this weekend?


Perhapsibly..... That does sound fun. What day where you thinking?


Tomorrow could work. Or Sunday. Or we could just drive up in the woods and take pictures. Or yeah.


Maybe tomorrow. If you don't mind me bringing someone along anyway.


Why certainly! Bring away :)


Pumpkins? Still on for some time? I got back into the hauling of cars (no more geo and honda in the field) and the making of fences for my grandma. But tomorrow I can go pumpkining if you have not already gone.


I have not gone yet. Give me a call tomorrow.


What should I carve on my pumpkin this year? I am looking for some needlesly complicated and probably unattainable with my limited artistic skills. I want try the thing were you cut at various depths to get different shades.

Last time I did Mario. Before that I did Trogdor. What should it be this year?


A brontosaurus with the volcano in the background!


Remember that scene at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring where Mary and Pippin get that magical dragon firework which shoots off, then comes back flying over their party in sparkling splendor? That.

What should I carve? Want to do that this weekend? Or Friday?