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Randomland's Drupal Module

Started by zourtney, Oct 21, 2009, 03:06 PM

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Look at the source of the image stream. I am fairly certain that it works on there. 



I saw that, and approve greatly!


Ok, not that anyone cares, but I've started porting the image embedder code over to Drupal 7. A few things need changed (like how the permissions function is defined) but it'll ultimately be better.


Does that mean you want to make an en-mass migration to the new-hatness of drupal 7? Albeit a slow migration at that.


I tip my hatness to the new Drupal 7 and think we should lead our flock thither. Migration is a slow process, almost by definition. But so far, I'd say everything about it is better. Pretty much everything we need is now core functionality. The admin pages are almost nice now (as opposed to barely tolerable, before). And while updating the module, I found out that they switched stuff around some (.module file, hook function definitions); definitely for the better.

Plus, it'll give us a good chance to remake certain thing that were done hastily...or in an uncoordinated manner, at least. Namely, the theme and gallery pages. I think I'd like to develop/refine a set of gallery pages and content types for our use. I could definitely use some input on this. I think I'll start another thread.

Alas, Randomland is nothing but a time-pit for the few of us. It and sees no real traffic or critical examination. So, all of these improvements are really just pet projects.


There is no better way to get more visitors then a smarter look and easier navigation. More, newer content would be a plus too. And perhaps some humorous videos and pieces.

Another thing is google seems to ignore the forums for the most part in search results. If you try really hard you can get it to bring up something, but you have to be real specific in your query. Its like it sees it as less relevant for whatever reason. Is it the URL? Does it hate forums? I don't think it does as I find useful forum posts all the time with google. And some of them have atrocious URLs. Perhaps it just wants a site map or something to make finding everything easier. The new SMF should have a sitemap easily enough. Then, we will just have to see what happens.   


The module has been ported over to work on the Drupal 7 framework. They actually made quite a few key changes to how the module system works. And I started putting stuff into classes...because object oriented is your friend.

It still has a few kinks to work out, including but not limited to the styling issues. I'll be working on it off and on this week, when I get the chance.

It can be seen on the test site.


Notice: Array to string conversion in RlimgProcessor->processAttribute()  (line 139 of /var/www/randomland-test/sites/all/modules/rlimg/rlimg_image_processor.php).

!!! Fun times.


Yeah. Boring story. Basically I'm not (yet) sure how to get the data out of that caption field. I set it as a "text" field, but it seems to be storing an empty array. I might just change it back to "longtext", though in my estimation, a caption ought to always be short; like 100 characters or less.

As broken as it seems, it's mostly functional. Before I didn't even have the proper functions implemented.


Ok, that little issue is mostly worked out now. I changed the widget to be "longtext with summary." Whatever's in the summay gets passed to the template as the $caption variable.

Styling is still extremely rough. I'll probably work on that tonight.

After that, I need to start defining functionality for [rlimg-block] tags. What would you like to see here? Block caption? Width/height attributes?


Both. And perhaps a 'css class' for defining how it should look. I should start remaking the gallery in new-drupal form. Perhaps even making a better one as most of the stuff I used before is now built-in to the core. 


Ok. I was thinking that the call (for both images and image blocks) should take an optional class parameter which gets applied.

So you'd go, give me an:
[rlimg 123 class="image-sensored" description="Pants have never been for eating"]

Similarly, something like:
[rlimg-block class="dev-screenshots"]...[/rlimg-block]

I'm going to post about the gallery setup in the Test Site Discussion thread.


I fixed things up a little bit and committed it to the SVN. It at least does not spew warnings at you anymore. Styling is boring and the containing div sizes to the caption text instead of the image width. But still, it's better than before.


I updated my module demo page a bit, here.