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Randomland's Drupal Module

Started by zourtney, Oct 21, 2009, 03:06 PM

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The Drupal 7 version of the module is more or less finished, demo here. I've started updating the wiki page, but it's real sloppy and out of date. But hey, what is wiki for?

Let me know what changes you think should be made...including, "Dude, just forget it and modify your ImageCache templates." I'd suggest looking at the demo page instead of the wiki for an accurate depiction of how to use it.

Since this code is worthless until (if?) we roll out Drupal 7, I'm going to start directing my attention towards other design matters in the Test Site Discussion.


Apparently it's been over 120 days since I worked on the Drupal module. I'm considering fixing it up so we can use it. The Node Gallery project looks similar and very promising, but a Drupal 7 implementation is far off. Plus I just want to do a little late-night coding.

Any suggestions?


We should start setting up the test site in preperation for making it the live site. And then see what we still need going from there.


well, we do have Drupal 7 (release) running on the test site. I have a bunch of modules installed, but I tried to only install what we were might use.

As for the image thingy, I installed it on a local copy. To work, it needs:

  • tag and collection taxonomies set up properly
  • default field display modes tweaked
  • optionally: some sort of url-based search result thing (like current "imagestream")


Should we try and migrate the database from the 6 install to the 7 install? That will give you all the taxonomy terms.


The module creates a separate taxonomy for both image tags and image collections. I fixed them last night. I guess it's not really necessary, but I like the idea of keeping them separate. When you search, you could search all taxonomies, or just the ones you want.


We need some sort of automatic thumb-nailing, the ability to assign images to taxonomy terms (galleries) and the ability to add tags to images.

None of this appears to be on the test site at the moment. I am not sure about your test environment though.

And the theme needs a little work :)


Um....the Drupes automatically create the thumbnails. The module creates a content type which has the fields:

  • title
  • body
  • image
  • image-tag(s)
  • image-collection(s)

So all that functionality should be there. The default display modes are all messed up though (they always display full size). But aside from the [rlimg xxx] input filter, it doesn't do anything you couldn't recreate in the UI in about 2 minutes. In the future, I'm hoping to give it some decent search and display functionality.

I committed a fix on the taxonomy thing last night. That code is now live at The other fixes mentioned below have not yet been updated there (got locked out of the SSH or something).

Updated list of things to implement/fix (in no particular order)

  • FIXED 2011-01-21 broken taxonomy references
  • FIXED 2011-01-22 default display size (who killed image_link_content__thumbnail?? Where is this field info stored???)
  • discuss collections taxonomy widget. We want something where you can add on the fly, but avoid duplicates
  • a search/display page
  • Figure out how to display and use EXIF data
  • FIXED 2011-01-22 integrate with PathAuto so that URLs get created something like author/YYYY/MM/title


I want to get Drupal to parse and store EXIF data. What fields should we store? Also, should this be stored in a new taxomony? Or would you consider these "image tags"?


They can just be part of the image node. The way it was done before is a module gobbled up all the exif stuff and put it in a table that was linked to the associated image node.

PHP can read all that information if you think we should try and make our own.


  • Camera model
  • ISO
  • Shutter speed
  • GEO location (if any)
  • Exposure compensation
  • Focal length
  • Shooting mode (Auto, program, manual)
  • Macro?
  • F-Stop
  • Flash?

And anything else you can think of. I think all those should be standard, or should be easy to figure out based on the camera manufacturer information.


And, of course datetime taken. That seems like a good list.

The new version of the EXIF module has the ability to parse the data into text fields or taxonomy terms. I think the terms become something like exifiso400. Not perfect, but probably searchable. Definitely usable with a little scripted parsing logic.

Edit: I'm utilizing the wiki again so I can write downfor bugs/ideas down somewhere and not let them get buried 5 posts back. This thread is good for discussion. Feel free to editUse the wiki withfor semi-formal information.

Edit 2: I use too many words.


Yo, yo. So, as Nick already knows, I got the EXIF parsing to work. The module now creates a field on the Image content type for each EXIF entry you want. Currently, the date, ISO, shutter speed, exposure bias, and f-number are stored. If you want to add more, you can tweak the rlcore_enable function. I'm just lazy (and used the 30 seconds it would have taken to add the extra fields to write this here sentence).

You can play around with it on the test site. The formatting will need work, but here's a picture I uploaded at random. The EXIF module throws errors which don't actually seem to hurt anything. Hopefully they fix it some day. If you're feeling beta-testerman, report errors here.

The next step will be a search page. Something akin to the current imagestream, but eventually more powerful.


I pretylty much fixed the input filter (though I forgot to commit it). I'll try and make it live on test tonight.

Still, if the Media Gallery looks like a better option, let's move that way. Perhaps it's up to me to try it out.


So, I updated test tonight but it somehow broke everything. So I disabled it :-\ I'm taking it no one has tried the Media Gallery plugin yet. Maybe I'll try tomorrow...


Haven't tested it yet, sorry. Been busy. But I am staying home sick today so I might have a look at it.