Movie suggestions

Started by Nick, Nov 04, 2009, 09:37 AM

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Seem a movie you just have to share with people? A forgotten gem among the dusty video store shelves? A brilliant movie buried by incompetent Hollywood executives? Tell us about it!

To start off, anyone here who liked Buffy, Firefly, Angel or any other Joss Whedon creation should do them selves a favor and rent/acquire (its free to see on hulu says the great Wiki-brain)
- Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Its a musical that's whimsical and rather entertaining. If you get the DVD don't forget to watch the extras!  


Eve was watching some newer fantasy-type series called The Legend of the Seeker. Kinda teenipop, but it seemed somewhat interesting for the few episodes I saw. It was still in the first season (made 2008), so it's still pretty decent.

Is there some sort of observational theorem which correlates show quality vs number of seasons running?


From what I have observed series with a set running time are consistently good for that time (like battlestar galactica (the new one)) other shows might have a clear plot and objective to start with but start getting diluted as the show runs on and the writers are forced to think of something new. They may not have even foreseen the show making it that long from the start. Or the talent in the writing staff wants more money and gets replaced by someone less visionary. But those are all just my musings.


How did this go from movies to tv shows? Your guys blogs are not very organized! Lol.

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I recently just watched riese, it was different. I now know what steampunk, I think it's called, looks like. 

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I didn't really know what  steampunk was either. Funny enough your mentioning it made me think of and eventually play Borderlands....

As for movies, I have had this strange urge to watch Labyrinth lately. Magic Dance!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Quote from: Frioevie on Sep 21, 2012, 06:52 PM
How did this go from movies to tv shows? Your guys blogs are not very organized! Lol.

We could rename it if you like :-P But it's not far to go from movies to tv.

Quote from: Jacsveus on Sep 29, 2012, 09:04 PM
As for movies, I have had this strange urge to watch Labyrinth lately. Magic Dance!

That is a strange urge. :-P


Lol I saw they have it streaming on Netflix!!

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