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XNA Project - MSSE

Started by Brad, Apr 26, 2012, 10:25 PM

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A binary would be fun. It might be a while before I can compile this project!


I totally go jump-through collisions working, yay! Now you can jump through certain types of platform and land on top of it! Pretty much required for a side scroller.

Also started adding another character but got bored halfway through creating the animation file. Will finish later.

I do not have a binary created yet sorry.


How's about some milk? I mean screenshots.


(Psssst... He got Skyrim. Might be a while :) )


Hmmm, guess I should look at the month as well when I respond to posts. I've been out of it for a while.


I will see what I can do about screenshots or video or something.


Took a break from Skyrim to start working on adding enemies into the game. Just a single test enemy type available, but they are affected by gravity and respond to collisions with tiles. No player vs enemy collisions yet and also no enemy AI or anything.

I'll post a "playable" version as soon as I have plaver vs enemy collisions finished.


OK, basic player vs enemy collision is working. If you use a character which can jump on an enemies head and you jump from above then the enemy dies (just disappears at the moment). Otherwise your character dies and you are warped back to the start of the level.

So, yeah it's mostly lame but at least it is working now. Not sure the best way to post a sample, if I publish from Visual Studios then you have to install the game. If I just copy the binary files over I don't know if there any other prequisites that won't be included. I'll try and test copying the binary files over, but the only computer I can do that to at the moment doesn't have the .NET framework installed... Will post "playable" version as soon as I get this figured out.

You could always grab the source from bitbucket and compile it yourself of course.


OK, did a test on another PC and you can run the binary files as long as you have the XNA redistributable installed. Available from .

I will upload the binary files when I get home tonight.


Awesome. I was worried this project had been forgotten and I do want to try it since it sounds pretty cool still.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


OK, here is the current binaries. You just need the XNA redistributable installed.

It's pretty boring and dumb. The only real interesting thing about it is how the custom characters work. With these files you actually have enough to add your own characters into the game without any programming necessary. Just check out any of the character files (like Mario's) for explanation.



Actually attempted to do some more work on this thing. I ran into a major problem though... you cannot develop XNA on Windows 8 without some serious hacks/tweaks. Microsoft just completely dropped all support. You can't even install Visual Studios Express 2010 and the 2012 versions do not even let you open XNA projects. As our main laptop is now a Windows 8 machine this is sort of a problem for me.

So I am now evaluating whether it makes sense to switch over to MonoGame, the open-source cross-platform XNA replacement.

If I can get it running in MonoGame without too much work then I'll continue developing in that. If not then this project will be dead. Like even deader than no updates in greater than 120 days dead. What sucks is that there really is no other XNA equivalent which lets me keep programming in C#. I could switch to Unity but without shelling out $150 bucks it really sucks for 2D. Dangit, Microsoft.


Java? (*ducks under table*)


What does java offer? Supposed platform independence but that doesn't apply to mobile platforms.

Nah, I tried out MonoGame andn i think it is going to work. Its been used for some major games too like Braid.